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An anomaly in the housing market
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·1 min read
  • Even with interest rates (6.25% - highest in 14 years) climbing and mortgage applications jumping 3.8% this month (first increase in six weeks), demand remains healthy although slower compared to same time last year

  • Fannie Mae has just revised its market outlook for 2022 and 2023:
    • Continued market cooling as interest rates increase through early 2023; expecting a federal funds rate of between 3.5% and 3.75% (currently 3.25%)
    • Expects high home prices to keep the rental market strong through 2023

  • Covid-19 has accelerated numerous trends including the real estate trend of homeowners relocating to more affordable cities. According to Redfin, these are the cities with highest outflow and inflow of residents:
    • Outflow: 
      • San Francisco
      • Los Angeles
      • New York City
      • Washington, DC
      • Boston
    • Inflow:
      • Miami
      • Sacramento
      • San Diego
      • Las Vegas
      • Tampa